فرص عمل اخصائي موارد بشرية - العاشر من رمضان - الشرقية

متطلبات الوظيفة

  • سنين الخبرة

    سنة-‎3 سنوات خبرة

  • الجنس المطلوب


  • اللغة الانجليزية


  • السن المطلوب

    22 - 30 سنة

  • الحاسب الآلي

    جيد جدا

  • المؤهل المطلوب

    مؤهل عالي

  • مايكروسوفت أوفيس

    جيد جدا

الراتب ونوع العمل

  • الراتب الأساسي

    قابل للتفاوض

  • نوع الوظيفة

    يوم كامل

مميزات الوظيفة

  • توفير مواصلات (نوفر وسيلة مواصلات على حساب الشركة)
  • تأمينات اجتماعية
انتقالات من المنوفية / بسوس / الشرقية

تفاصيل الوظيفة

Ensures implementation of HR strategies and policies focusing on achievement
Performs human resources management, personnel, or payroll administration activities involving responsibility for the interpretation and application of rules, laws and policies.
Completes classification studies, job audits and other activities to identify duties and responsibilities assigned to employees; develops job descriptions, job specifications, organization charts and other materials to describe positions and duties performed by employees; determines appropriate classifications for individual positions.
Conducts wage and salary surveys by collecting and evaluating salary data; prepares recommendations or requests for salary changes; determines salary changes authorized for specific actions, such as appointments, promotions, transfers, demotions and reinstatement.
Collects and analyzes data on personnel selection procedures and methods
Performs centralized or agency recruiting activities; prepares recruiting announcements or other information concerning job vacancies; interviews applicants and evaluates application forms;
Prepares, processes, reviews, analyzes, or approves employee personnel transactions; ensures compliance with applicable laws and rules concerning appointments, promotions, demotions, transfers, separations and other actions.
Interprets rules and laws concerning employee personnel actions; advises agency personnel staff, employees, supervisors and managers on various personnel related issues.
Maintains a system of employee personnel records.

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