وظائف خالية senior property consultant (مستشار عقاري اول) - التجمع الخامس - القاهرة

متطلبات الوظيفة

  • مستوي الخبرة

    خبرة متوسطة

  • سنين الخبرة

    سنتان خبرة على الأقل

  • الجنس المطلوب

    لا يشترط

  • اللغة الانجليزية


  • السن المطلوب

    24 - 35 سنة

  • الحاسب الآلي


  • المؤهل المطلوب

    مؤهل عالي

  • مايكروسوفت أوفيس


الراتب ونوع العمل

  • الراتب الأساسي

    6000 - 15000 جنيه مصري

  • نوع الوظيفة

    يوم كامل

مميزات الوظيفة

  • تأمينات صحية
  • تأمينات اجتماعية

تفاصيل الوظيفة

We are looking for a professional real estate agent to be an intermediary between sellers and buyers. Real estate agent responsibilities include marketing listings and providing guidance to buyers and sellers. A New Opportunity with the Highest Commission Scheme in the Market.
Develop contact with potential customers in the industry by calling, emailing or scheduling meetings in person.
Form new and continue existing relationships with companies in the customer database by visiting them in person, maintaining phone contact and addressing issues or problems when they come up.
Maintain a strong understanding about product inventory, features and technical specifications to answer specific customer questions.
Present information about company offerings during trade shows or other large events to potential customers.
Give customers in-person product demonstrations and teach them about the features and benefits of each item the company offers.
Attend weekly sales team meetings and provide information to management about sales figures, goals, and obstacles.
Become a valuable and helpful resource in all of your dealings with customers and create a friendly
.reputation in the industry.

وظائف مثل وظيفة "senior property consultant (مستشار عقاري اول)"

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