هذه الوظيفة مغلقة ولا تقبل التقديمات.
وظائف خالية marketing coordinator - منسق تسويق - التجمع الخامس - القاهرة
- اسم الشركة Mulliri coffee company
- مقر العمل التجمع الخامس - القاهرة
- تاريخ الإعلان
- العمالة المطلوبة 4
متطلبات الوظيفة
مستوي الخبرة
خبرة متوسطة
سنين الخبرة
سنة-سنتان خبرة
الجنس المطلوب
لا يشترط
اللغة الانجليزية
جيد جدا
السن المطلوب
24 - 36 سنة
الحاسب الآلي
جيد جدا
المؤهل المطلوب
مؤهل عالي
مايكروسوفت أوفيس
جيد جدا
الراتب ونوع العمل
الراتب الأساسي
قابل للتفاوض
نوع الوظيفة
يوم كامل
مميزات الوظيفة
- تأمينات صحية
- تأمينات اجتماعية
تفاصيل الوظيفة
مجال الوظيفة
تخصص الوظيفة
1- Develop and implement digital marketing strategies to achieve our business goals.
2- Oversee all digital marketing channels (website, blogs, emails, social media, and SEO/SEM).
3- Manage and optimize content across digital platforms to ensure high levels of web traffic and customer engagement.
4- Conduct market research to find answers about consumer requirements, habits, and trends.
5- Coordinate with sales, design, and content teams to optimize customer experience and ensure brand consistency.
6- Measure and report on the performance of all digital marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs).
7- Identify trends and insights, and optimize spend and performance based on the insights.
8- Develop and implement strategies and tactics to increase revenue and provide strategic guidance and recommendations.
9- Coordinate event/project logistics; publicity, including public relations, advertising and collateral material design, production and distribution, and communication strategies.
10- Responsible for executing social media campaigns, website updates, final photography shoots, and other similar activities by the marketing plans and pursuit activities.
1- Proven experience as a Digital Marketing Manager or similar role.
2- Excellent understanding of digital marketing concepts, best practices, and SEO/SEM.
3- Knowledge of web analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics).
4- Skills and experience in creative content writing and digital design.
5- Ability to multi-task, prioritize, and manage time effectively.
6- Strong verbal communication skills.
7- Ability to respond effectively to sensitive inquiries or complaints.
8- Requires demonstrated applied skills in word processing and other computer programs, including Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point.
- Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication, Marketing or an equivalent field.
- Previous work experience from 1 to two years as an Account Executive or relevant role in the Advertising industry.
- Proven ability to manage multiple projects at a time while paying attention to detail.
- Strong verbal and written communication skills.
- Excellent time and project management skills.
- سنة-سنتان خبرة
- مؤهل عالي
- تسويق ومبيعات
وظائف مثل وظيفة "marketing coordinator - منسق تسويق"
- شاهد كل وظائف تسويق إلكترونى/ سوشيال ميديا
روابط متعلقة بالوظيفة
وظائف شبيهة
digital marketing manager - تسويق الكترونيديكور كاسل - التجمع الخامس,القاهرة الجديدة,مدينة الشروق - القاهرة