وظائف خالية مسئول تسويق الكتروني - التجمع الاول - القاهرة

متطلبات الوظيفة

  • مستوي الخبرة

    خبرة متوسطة

  • سنين الخبرة

    3-‎5 سنوات خبرة

  • الجنس المطلوب

    لا يشترط

  • اللغة الانجليزية

    جيد جدا

  • السن المطلوب

    25 - 35 سنة

  • الحاسب الآلي

    جيد جدا

  • المؤهل المطلوب

    مؤهل عالي

  • مايكروسوفت أوفيس

    جيد جدا

الراتب ونوع العمل

  • الراتب الأساسي

    10000 - 17000 جنيه مصري

  • نوع الوظيفة

    يوم كامل

  • الحوافز الاضافية

    3000 - 6000 جنيه مصري

مميزات الوظيفة

  • يُحتسب الوقت الإضافي

تفاصيل الوظيفة

The company works in the field of:
Electronics, mobile phones, desktop computers, and also gaming
The company is headquartered in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the city of Riyadh
Required tasks:
Preparing social media marketing campaigns in accordance with the organization’s goals.
Google search engine optimization
Activating marketing campaigns on Google and social media accounts
Develop and improve the website interface and work on developing the website
Proven experience in digital marketing and marketing campaigns of at least 3 years
Marketing planning, analysis, development, implementation and preparation of reports
Posting on social media on 5 platforms
Activate and activate social media accounts
Coordinate the creation of digital content for publication on the website, social media, email bulletins, or video.
Managing the organization’s channels on various digital media networks.
Increase customer knowledge about the brand by improving presence on websites.
Improving the organization's image by providing materials that benefit customers through social networking sites.
Collaborate with Marketing, Sales, and Product Development to ensure brand consistency.
Providing recommendations and suggestions and implementing direct marketing methods to increase sales volume.
Monitor ROI as well as KPIs.
 The weekend is Friday off

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