وظائف خالية مدير صيانة أجهزة حاسبات وطابعات - مدينة نصر - القاهرة

متطلبات الوظيفة

  • مستوي الخبرة

    مدير / مشرف

  • سنين الخبرة

    5-‎8 سنوات خبرة

  • الجنس المطلوب


  • اللغة الانجليزية

    جيد جدا

  • السن المطلوب

    32 - 45 سنة

  • الحاسب الآلي

    جيد جدا

  • المؤهل المطلوب

    مؤهل عالي

  • مايكروسوفت أوفيس

    جيد جدا

الراتب ونوع العمل

  • الراتب الأساسي

    قابل للتفاوض

  • نوع الوظيفة

    يوم كامل

مميزات الوظيفة

  • توفير مواصلات (نوفر بدل مواصلات)
  • تأمينات صحية
  • تأمينات اجتماعية

تفاصيل الوظيفة

·        Responsible for cost assessment for all maintenance issues regarding contracts, spare part cost, contract according to it's estimating profit, loss and  setting sales margin
·        Managing technical team and setting team work plan for each member and take actions regarding their performnce
·        Working on developing work cycle in the maintenance department  and setting accurate work flow
·        Set a short term and long term work plan for technician tasks and follow up the implementation of their tasks and update it continuously if needed.
·        Setting technical team salaries and make a compensation system for them that includes estimating their  semi-annual and annul bonuses regarding their successful completion for contract supervision tasks.
·        Selecting good technical calibers and work to improve their technical and personal skills
·         Working to enlarge old  maintenance contracts annually through opening new channels with old customers
·         Working on opening new chanells whether by taking per calls or maintenance services contracts through enriching and strengthen good relationship with them.
·        Working to achieve  department annual target 
·        Solve any internal departmental problems relating to technical team and external problems with customers and finding solutions and alternatives for any occurred problems.
·        Follow up contracts service and any required spare parts or technical components to be purchased for current contracts.
·        Follow up all technical reports and  contracts cost analysis  reports done by purchasing and administrative assistant
·        Find ways to reduce costs without affecting the overall customer experience
·        Making a semiannual evaluation for team performance and fill in appraisal forms and set a  meeting  with them to discuss it to inform them with the result  to avoid any weak points and develop better work plan 
Taking any managerial decisions for any critical problems that may occur in maintenance department whether internally or externally .

روابط متعلقة بالوظيفة